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United States
UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday Lift

Today's 70 minute lift kicked my ass

5 minute row machine warm up

Main Lifts

Bench 10-10-8-8-5
Squat 2 warm up sets  --> 10-10-8-8
Straight bar dead lift 3x8 with Curl+Press Super Set ---- The gym needs to get a hex bar, BAD.
Leg Press 2 warm up sets 4x10 (BIG WEIGHT Y'ALL)

2 sets -- High Pull (10 reps ), Curl+Press(10), Bench Dips (Max)
3 sets -- Cable Flys (10), Push/Pull Cables (10/arm), AbX machine (25)
2 sets -- Hang Clean (6), Inverted Rows (max)
4 sets -- Preacher Curl (10), Super skaters (10/leg), Good Mornings (8)

Chest - 135 Burnouts (19 reps)
Chest - 2 sets - High cable flys (15), Low Cable flys (10), Plank (1 min)
Legs - Leg Press (60% of 10 rep max) Do as many reps as you can in 2 minutes, legs still feel like jello
Full Body - row machine - 1000 meters - min rest - 500 meters - min rest - 300 meters


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