Quick Bit

United States
UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#WFPFilmReview #ECU: A Defensive Debacle

After a strong enough defensive performance to win in Atlanta, I sensed that this unit was finally starting to come around. Even as I broke down the ECU squad, I felt despite the talent they had on offense, as well as their defense, I couldn't help but think this would be the game when we all started to put it together. From the first snap, the game played out completely against my thinking. Carolina was straight dominated by the ECU Pirates on both sides of the ball. We were out played, out schemed, out hustled and out coached by an opponent that we dominate year in and year out. The display shown in Kenan (I've watched this game twice in as many days) was not only uninspired, if threw up several red flags:

- The first is was time after time we had defensive players (including some of our best) lining up in the wrong spots as well as completely blowing their assignments. We've approached Week 6 in the season, it's time to wake up and get focused
- The second was effort we played with after a disappointing loss. AJ Blue made it known that their was a lack of focus and preparation from the team. This lack of focus from the coaches and the players was clearly shown in one defining play: The 9 players on defense, in which every UNC exhibited terrible technique

- and then there were ALL OF THE MISSED TACKLES

- and how about these two plays of ECU LOS domination which led to missed tackles

 - and now for the Achilles Heel of our offense: The O Line

I jumped the gun thinking that having a core of  Hurst and Bodine back on the front that they'd provide decent support for the youngin's that were filling the three slots vacated by three current NFL Linemen. I've been promptly reminded how difficult it is to replace 3 stud o linemen from a consistency and cohesiveness standpoint. Look at Bama, they lost a good chunk of their line and have struggled against good defenses because of the cohesiveness lost from the departed. O Line play is determined least by talent, it is always determined by technique and how gel'd the group plays. This front may have talent, but they haven't clicked for an entire quarter this season. If this group cannot pull themselves together, this offense will continue to sputter.

- A very close friend of mine saw a sideline confrontation between our best defender and DC watched in Kenan Saturday after a blown assignment on Carden's thired rushing TD of the day. Essentially the DC chewed this player out and the yelled at each other for a bit. The coordinator then kinda paced around by himself for a drive. If there's mess going around internally, the coaching staff needs to man up and get this fixed. The players in turn need to respect their superiors. I understand this stuff happens in frustrating situations in the heat of battle, but whatever beefs there are in this locker room need to get straightened out. If this bullshit is allowed to ferment it'll get worse before it gets better.

The next two games, more than ever are gut check times. Each member of this program, players and staff need to take a good hard look at themselves in the mirror and begin to restore the honor of what it means to represent this fine university. As a fan I'm sick of watching year after year (cept for a gutted 2010 squad) essentially underachieve and lose games they have no business losing. It's time for for this team, this coaching staff, and this program to sack up.


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