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UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Call to Arms: BEAT MIAMI

Growing up in a Virginia Tech household, I've always had an itch come Saturdays in the fall. From making Pilgrimages to Blacksburg every Saturday with my family, to playing under the lights on Friday Nights for dominant high school program, this only deepened this obsession. When I decided to commit my college life to a basketball rich campus in the summer of 2007, I made a commitment to never lose that football obsession. I've dedicated too many years of my life NOT to carry out this practice of getting too fired up on Fall Saturdays. My "football crazy," as my girlfriend calls it, will never allow me to lose hope or faith in a team. This year is no different. Even after watching Carolina squander away opportunities in person, two Saturdays ago, I haven't given up on what opportunity lies ahead for Larry Fedora's team. I haven't given up on the 120+ individuals that makes up this sleeping giant of a college football program.

In my opinion, there are few sports that you can compare to college football. We, as fans, are limited in the outcome of what we can do to determine the result of the game. We can't make the play calls, we can't throw flags, we can't tackle. We can't make blocks, we can't hit the right gaps, we can't kick field goals. The one thing as fans we can do is be as loud as humanly possible for our team. When Kareem Martin flies of the edge forcing a fumble, when Bryn Renner connects a rainbow to a streaking Quinshad Davis, when Romar Morris breaks a tackle and has nothing but open field, unleash a sound wave the spans the Greater Triangle Area. With our backs completely against the wall it's time to sack up as a fan base and provide relentless support for this team. It's time for everyone to do a lil extra.

First series on offense and defense:  Set the tone. Make sure Miami knows what's gonna hit em' every down on every drive.
Running Backs and Receivers: finish your runs and routes, fight for that extra yard, North and South. Offensive line: fire off the ball, maul with some stank in your ass, and block your tits off.
Front seven: Wrap up, cause havoc, fly to the ball.
DBs: Stuff at the LOS, and lay the wood.
Home crowd: Deafen Miami's offense. Be loud, be proud and stay fired up.



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