Quick Bit

United States
UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Richmond is My Home and Future

30 plus months.....

Hard to believe it's been over 30 months ( or 984 days for those keep track at home) since officially signing off from my last post as the sole proprietor of Frats Pigskin Review. Not until recently did I decide to revamp and retry at this college football "bloggin" thing again. With failed experiments of trying to take this thing big time (RIP 104 Stadium Drive dot com), and the random twitter blast of picks from the 2017 season, we've decided to get back to our roots. We're back to providing y'all the Viewers Guides, the Picks, and the most biased and hottest takes related to all things Carolina and College Football. Much like in the last 30 months of today's world, yours truly has gone through some serious life and work changes.

Here's the necessary life update: First, I no longer call Pittsburgh my home and my future. I accepted an excellent work opportunity back in May of 2016, one that helped broaden my career and set up my current path for personal and career growth. In my first year at this job, my new path came at a significant cost, one that took me the better part of a year to come to grips with and accept. Yours truly was shipped out of the Burgh kicking and screaming back in November 2016. The life I had grown into and built in Pittsburgh became no longer part of my future and expected journey. With transition came what felt like a never ending spiral of heartbreak, physical and emotional distress. Having lived through several months of a personal hell, another move (with the same firm) gave me a window and a chance to build myself back up. This second move gave me the chance to truly start over, to truly give me the chance to finally let go and start living my life again. In the first several months, the work load didn't subside. I was stretched thin with 70-80 hour work weeks. All weeks filled with the mental and physical stress of a different daily construction crisis. These days turned to weeks and began to take a toll. It felt oddly too similar to the personal heartbreak that ripped my world apart just a few months earlier. I struggled to keep myself under control and to remain hopeful. Luckily, I listened to free advice. I was advised to "keep my head down, take care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally," and to just "keep scratchin', clawin' and pushin' that ball forward a little bit everyday." I was told to Just Keep Livin'. I give an incredible amount of thanks to those friends and family who gutted it out with me when I was at the brink. In due time work got a little better and easier. I kept living, I put my head down and sank into my support system. I lived for the folks who meant the most to me, embraced my new surroundings and kept taking care of myself. "Just Keep Livin' " remains my personal mantra. One year later, from the crater in my personal valley, I'm the happiest I've ever been.

Richmond became my new stomping grounds. I found a sense of place at work and in life. At work, I collaborated with 3 of the best professionals I've ever been around. Our team oriented mindset helped us achieve every personal and professional goal we set out to tackle. When the time on the road started to dwindle and our tour came to a screeching halt, each member of the team was fortunate enough to land where they wanted to. When I suspected our mission was set to end, I had one goal, solidify myself with an opportunity for career growth.

Richmond offered me another shot growing friendships and finding a gal that made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. After a few months of meeting new people and building on existing friendships, that amazing person walked into my life. Suddenly, I had THE REASON to make this new place home. This young lady, who challenges me on a daily basis to be the best version of myself, swept me flawlessly off my feet. I was fully dipped. She and I started a life together, one that grows every day. Whether it's renovating our house, exploring Richmond and the best the Commonwealth has to offer, or spending evenings on the couch with our Two Corgis, I live for her and I live for us.

As she and I grew closer and work topic became a reality, I knew what I had to do. It was finally time to choose life over work. It was time to prove to myself why I believe we're on put on this earth: to share a life with the one you love the most; to carry your morals, values, and opportunity through your children; and, to advance society through your work and stewardship. Thankfully, by the Grace of the Good Guy upstairs/Good Karma/The Stars and Planets were aligned, whatever you believe in, I secured that spot. I had finally made a move that was not only good for my career, but also I made the move that that is one for both my career and my life. Richmond and the blessings that have come with it, are my home and future.

I'm eternally blessed and grateful.

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