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UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Setting Goals, It ain't over yet: Clemson Preview

This was peak post bar late night rambling. Prediction was written this morning.

Before I dive into previewing Carolina's biggest game to date, I wanna look back at how far this fan base and this team have come over the past 3 months. I remember vividly ripping into a team and coaching staff early on into the season following a horrible and disappointing loss at the hands of Sakerlina. I, like many Tar Heels, couldn't sleep that Thursday night after watching Marquise Williams play his worst game in a Tar Heel uniform. I couldn't sleep because of the incompetence by the offensive coaching shown that game. I couldn't sleep because even Spurrier knew how lucky his squad had gotten in that game. Following that loss, where many teams would crumble, Carolina got back to the keys I had coming into this season:

1. Carolina re-established dominance on the offensive line
This offense has hummed in about every game this season for one point or another. We've watched veteran leadership lead a group that's development a nasty streak and cohesiveness. Even at their toughest struggles against a very well coached Virginia Tech defense, Carolina's O Line paved the way for go up two scores and protect Quise in the game's biggest moment (Game Winner to Quinshad). The game's against Miami and NC State (especially first and third quarters) have been some of the most impressive displays of run blocking I've watched outside of what many consider "elite" programs (Bama, Southern Cal during their run, LSU at times, Notre Dame).

2. Carolina's coaching improved
Unless you've been under a rock, youve probably heard about how much better the coaching been on the sidelines and in the coaches box this year. We're watching coaches make adjustments and players responding to those adjustments. We're watching coaches and players buy-in. We're watching teammates because brothers under the guidance of their mentors.

3. Carolina's Defense grew up and came into their own
While there's still room for improvement, you cannot look over the work Coach Gene Chizik and his supporting staff on the defense did for a bunch that had been in free fall for a couple of years. Even as the offenses this team faced grew more complex, the coaching staff kept things simple and the players responded by fighting their nuts off and making play after play. If this unit remains intact, Carolina's defense couple be SCARY in the coming years.

4. Carolina rallied and used a massive chip on their shoulders and exceeded everyone's (outside of their own) expectations
To keep it simple: This Carolina team's lived out their motto of #IGotYourBack. They've rallied in the face of adversity during games and over the course of the season. They've competed. They've experienced success and failure. Most importantly; they've been a damned fun team to watch and cover.

Heading into Clemson, I find myself not trying to get too lost into the Xs and Os of the game. I find myself in a situation only familiar to my Virginia Tech fandom I had growing up. From the mid nineties until just a few years ago, 10 win seasons were the norm for the orange and maroon and year in and year out I'd watch the Hokies climb to the upper tier of the college football polls only to lose in heartbreaking fashion or get disrespected by the polling and wind up in a bowl matchup below one they deserved. Carolina find themselves in a similar situation this weekend. Win: The Program hits a height we haven't seen in a modern era and we're left to wait to see how a panel of "experts" sees where we fit in the postseason.

How Carolina Wins

1. Win the Turnover Battle
The Tar Heels have gone through a rough stretch in the second halves of the last two games by coughing up the ball and letting Virginia Tech and NC State keep the game closer than it should have been. Clemson's let go of controlling the ball over the last month too. Win the turnover battle and a win in Charlotte just became easier.

2. Control the Line of Scrimmage
On defense, Clemson's offense is gonna look very familiar to Tar Heel fans as Clemson loves to stretch the field and create mismatches in the same way as the Heels. Clemson feeds off the quick striking attack whether it be a wide receiver screen on the perimeter or a zone read that carves the front seven. Carolina's front seven(most six cause I expect to see a bunch of nickel) will have to play sound gap control in the run game and hen Clemson drops back to pass. As good as Deshaun Watson's arm is, he's equally as deadly with his wheels. Maintain contain, wrap up and keep the play in front of you.
On offense, Carolina's O has the task of going up against the best defense they've faced all year. The man on Clemson's defense to watch is Shaq Lawson at Defensive End. While he's not a s fast a Vic Beasley, Lawson's been a force all season. Containing him is key to this Offensive Line. Clemson's defensive front faces the best offensive line they've faced since the monsoon game against Notre Dame. Win the leverage battle and create some alleys for Quise, Eli and TJ to do work.

3. Finish Drives
Field goals ain't gonna get it done against the best offense Carolina's faced all year. Unlike the last game at the BofA, Carolina punches it in when they get in the red zone. Expect a higher scoring affair than what we saw back in the first of September.

While on paper, the Clemson defense should give this team the edge, I cannot go against my heart today. I expect Carolina to jump out to a two score lead. Clemson to rally and the Carolina squad to earn redemption with a late score, a late stop, and a couple late first downs to ice a ballgame between two of the country's best teams.

Carolina 41 Clemson 34 

Carolina Fans can start talking playoff around midnight tonight.

Go Heels.

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