Quick Bit

United States
UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Back And Better Than Ever

Back and better than ever, and I must say it’s been far, far too long. The last several months have brought some serious changes for yours truly. When we last interfaced I was still a stressed-out, highly underpaid aspiring real estate entrepreneur who was going through what most would consider a quarter life crisis. I rarely slept, I wasn’t eating well, I was worried about my finances, and I wasn’t sure what my next steps in my journey were living, working and being. I needed a change and I needed to change immediately. 

Close to 4 months later from that crossroads I’d love tell y’all I’ve figured it all out; but I haven’t. I have, however, made some serious improvements since turning the ripe age of 26. I've traveled and decompressed. I've switched jobs. I (can now) save money and invest. I'm sleeping again. I'm eating healthier (still can improve) and workout out more (although not nearly enough). It's a start but the 180 I’ve made over the past 4 months has been one of the most beneficial I’ve made in quite some time.

This switch has given me ample time to take a seat back and reflect. What are my goals? Where do I want to be one year from now? What do I want to devote my time, energy and money to?

I came up with a short list
-          1. Get my work-life balance in order
-          2. Become a force at my new job
-          3. Get to my football shape and playing weight
-          4. Save, invest, and save some more
-          5. Rediscover my reality escapes (cooking, reading, writing, hiking, etc)

All 5 bullets are my goals for the foreseeable future. In order to keep my ass in check I’ll be using my writing escape to give y’all weekly updates in addition to the college football insight and humor I try to bring. Another way to follow along is through my Twitter  and myFitbit  profiles. It’s new era in my life and on this blog. I hope y’all are as excited about as I am.



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