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United States
UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Post Bowl WFP Top 20 and What's Ahead

This bowl season revealed somethings I didn't expect and somethings I did.

The final poll:

1. BAMA - this shouldn't be up for debate. Their offensive line is as good as any I've seen in College Football. They mauled Notre Dame.
2. UGA - Unreal how this team was 5 yards away from beating Bama
3. Ohio State - Only undefeated remaining, I still believe they'd lose to Bama by double digits
4. A&M - There may not be a hotter team in college football than this bunch, plus they beat Bama in TTown
5. Oregon - I would have loved to see this team play the Tide based on their speed on offense. Their defense however would have gotten curb stomped
6. Sakerlina - This team could be downright scary in 2013
7. Stanford - Some folks will say that ND should be ranked ahead of the Cardinal, and I get that argument  but Stanford's win in Eugene is hard to miss
8. Notre Dame - Give the Irish credit for making it through their regular season schedule undefeated. I argued for months that there are several SEC teams better than the Irish and Monday somewhat confirmed that notion. My boss told me when he saw Ole Miss blast Pitt last weekend, it confirmed to him that ND would get stomped. I didn't listen and I thought ND would cover. Ol' Bob was right.
9. Florida - After demolishing FSU I didn't expect them to get punked in the bowl, but that's why you gotta play every game.  Coach Strong doctored the perfect gameplan, jump on them.
10. FSU - I think Clemson was playing better ball at the end of the year than FSU, but this team gets ranked ahead of them solely on their win against them early in the season.
11. Clemson - Guys I harped on this Clemson team at the beginning of the season and they showed me up. Dabo might have a pretty good thing going in Tiger Town. If Tajh and Nuke come back next year.../faints
12. LSU - Les Miles has not looked too good in the last couple of bowl games
13. K State - Collin Klein didn't have enough magic against Oregon
14. Lousiville - With Bridgewater coming back and Charlie strong at the helm, Louisville could make a run next year
15. Oklahoma - This program is a weird one. A&M pimp slapped this team.
16. Utah State - Talk about a program on the up and up. It'll be interesting to see what they can do next year
17. Northwestern- How bout the Wildcats and their first bowl win  in forever
18. Vandy - James Franklin is a BOSS
19. San Jose St - WHY NOT
20. Nebraska Big Red- Gave UGA more of a fight than I thought. Go Bo.

Carolina - predicted 8 wins back in March. Different route to get there than what happened, but was spot on. As for 2013 the future looks bright if we can fix the problems on defense and get some boys to step up for the vacancies left on the O Line.

Biggest Surprises for 2012
Notre Dame
Clemson, especially the play of Tajh Boyd and their defense towards the end of the year
Northern Illinois making a BCS game
Johnny Football

Biggest Dissapointments for 2012
Southern Cal
Virginia Tech
BCS games. Rose Bowl was the only one that was close.

5 teams that'll be in the thick of it next year
Bama, duh

5 teams I wouldn't sleep on
Ohio State

3 Big Programs I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole next year

About 230 days till college football season y'all. Enjoy the pros.


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