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United States
UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Saturday, July 19, 2014



The 2014 Season's just over a month away and I couldn't be more fired up for it. The week's activities haven't helped me calm myself down either. This week I roasted and ate a pork shoulder, I've added a couple brown liquors to the rotation, and this polar vortex we're in has the weather making me believe it's fall. I've had to constantly remind myself that it ain't even August yet.

2014 for my squad looks like to be a transitional year. Unlike last year, the schedule doesn't set up well for the Tar Heels to make a run. After a glorified exhibition against Liberty and another gimme against San Diego State, we have a 5 game stretch that best case scenario we go 3-2 and worst case scenario we go O-fer against ECU, Clemson, Virginia Tech, Notre Dame and Georgia Tech. We face another cupcake in UVA before heading back through the gauntlet with a road game at Miami, home to Pittsburgh, and capping off the regular season with a pair of rivalry games, including one on a Thursday Night. With the season staring 6 Saturdays from now, I just can't tell y'all how I see this year shakin up for the Tar Heels. The nuclear of the O Line is gone, as is the middle of the defense. The highly touted youth, that has infiltrated the Fedora Years, needs to grow up fast. This schedule doesn't account for growing pains or first or second year mistakes. Whole lotta questions and a whole lotta ifs, how those are answered will determine the 2014 campaign.

Look forward to covering another Football Season for y'all.
