Quick Bit

United States
UNC Alum, Ex-O Lineman with a different look on the state of College Football Follow me on Twitter @FootbawFrat for my sporadic thoughts throughout the day

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Restored Faith

As y'all prolly noticed, I have been very MIA over the course of the last month and half. With work ratcheting up, less travel time this fall rewarded than originally expected, I have been in very troubling place in my fandom. I've exuded this image of an obsessive of Carolina football (which is real life, ask my roommates), but with the recent developments with work, it hasn't sat well with me that I'll likely only be getting to Chapel Hill once this fall, if I even can make it. I do respect the schedule my work has and the commitment that's required to get the job done correction in real estate development. With construction well underway and the timeline and schedule I'm bound to, I needed a lil motivation to get back to my 3rd year of covering(somewhat) Carolina and the general college football landscape.

That motivation has come over the last week or so. A brief vacation, a pretty awesome gal and some good news outta the Hill didn't hurt:

First came the commitment of Bentley Spain. Hailing from my Alma Mater, Providence High School, Spain is one of the biggest OL recruits recruits in the southeast for 2014, choosing the offer from Carolina over the likes of offers from Clemson, Florida, LSU, Michigan, and Virginia Tech. Kid looks like a stud from the limited film that's out there on him. He's been bit by the injury bug the last couple of years, so I'm hoping this guy can stay healthy for his senior campaign. Welcome to the family Bentley!

The second  instance for motivation came yesterday with the commitment of another Providence High School ball player, son of Wake Forest and Carolina Panther great Ricky Proehl, Austin Proehl. Everything I read/watch about this kid is he's a smart football player and has the willingness to contribute wherever he is needed. Austin played a lil QB, Running Back, Receiver, Safety, and Cornerback, plus returned punts and kicks. Kid reminds me of Damon Magazu, former teammate who's started at ECU since he set foot on campus. I like him at A Back, plus seeing some action as what his dad was a great as anyone: a possession receiver. Welcome to the Nation, young man!

The third instance, as cheesy as it sounds, it was pretty awesome was getting re-tweeted by Coach Fedora.

Nothing crazy, ground breaking or earth shattering, but hey, who doesn't enjoy getting some love from the Coach I want to succeed more than any other in college football. Thanks for the shout out, Coach!

Life's funny sometimes y'all. Sometimes you're in a pretty dark place with work, your workout regiment, and with your fandom, and the the compilation of a couple days vacation with the family, a growing relationship with a gal you're into, and some good news from Alma Mater can get you right back into the swing of things.

I've got 3 things besides friends and family that'll help me with my next vicious 18-24 months of work: hittin that weight room, cold beer and College Football.

30 days y'all.